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Labor Seminar
2-4 p.m., 648 Evans Hall

Labor Lunch
Select Fridays (Fall/Spring)
12pm -1 p.m., 648 Evans

Center for Labor Economics
Camille Fernandez
Center Executive Director
Tel. No.: 510-643-0711

Mailing Address:
University of California, Berkeley
Center for Labor Economics
530 Evans Hall, MC 3880
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880

Tel. No.: (510) 643-0711
Fax No.: (510) 643-7042

Visiting Faculty and Research Scholars

Visiting Student Researchers


Aksel Vester Augsburg, University of Copenhagen
Maddalena Conte, CREST
Marcos Demetry, Linnaeus University
Hannah Illing, University of Bonn
Malthe Elholm Jensen, Aarhus University
Ingrid Mikkelsen Semb, University of Oslo
Florian Schoner, ifo Institute
Linda Audrey Wu, University College London


Lukas Delgado-Prieto, Universidad de los Andes
Sebastian Hager, University of Munich
Lorenzo Incoronato, University College London


Olatz Roman Blanco, European University Institute in Florence
Francesco Filippucci, Paris School of Economics
Thiago de Souza Patto, Insper Institute of Education and Research
Ingrid Semb, University of Oslo
Ulrike Unterhofer, University of Basel
Vera Zabrodina, University of Basel

Post Doctoral Researchers



Roman Gabriel Rivera, Columbia