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Labor Seminar
2-4 p.m., 648 Evans Hall

Labor Lunch
Select Fridays (Fall/Spring)
12pm -1 p.m., 648 Evans

Center for Labor Economics
Camille Fernandez
Center Executive Director
Tel. No.: 510-643-0711

Mailing Address:
University of California, Berkeley
Center for Labor Economics
530 Evans Hall, MC 3880
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880

Tel. No.: (510) 643-0711
Fax No.: (510) 643-7042

Working Papers by Year


Working Papers - 2005

75:  "Resisting the Melting Pot: the Long Term Impact of Maintaining Identity for Franco-Americans in New England,"
Daniel Parent and Mary Mackinnon, June 2005

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Working Papers - 2004

74:  "The Regression Discontinuity Inference with Specification Error,"
David S. Lee and David Card, June 2004

73:  "The Effect of Firm-Level Contracts on the Structure of Wages: Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data,"
David Card and Sara de la Rica, June 2004

72:  "You Can Take It with You: Transferability of Proposition 13 Tax Benefits, Residential Mobility, and Willingness to Pay for Housing Amenities,"
Fernando V. Ferreira, June 2004

71:  "The Costs of Low Birth Weight,"
Douglas Almond, Kenneth Y. Chay, and David S. Lee, May 2004

70:  "Incentive Effects of Social Assistance: A Regression Discontinuity Approach,"
Thomas Lemieux and Kevin Milligan, May 2004

69:  "Increasing Residual Wage In Equality: Composition Effects, Noisy, Data, or Rising Demand for Skills?,"
Thomas Lemieux, May 2004

68:  "What All Women (and Some Men) Want to Know: Does Maternal Age Affect Infant Health,"
Heather Royer, June 2004

67:  "Trade, Quality Upgrading and Wage Inequality in the Mexican Manufacturing Sector: Theory and Evidence from an Exchange Rate Shock,"
Eric Verhoogen, January 2004

66:  "Rising Tuition and Supply Constraints: Explaining Canada-U.S. Differences in University Enrollment Rates,"
Nicole M. Fortin, March 2004

65:  "Decelerating Wage Inequality and Higher Education: Cross-State Evidence from the 1990s,"
Nicole M. Fortin, March 2004

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Working Papers - 2003

64:  "Decomposing the Gender Wage Gap: The Effects of Firm, Occupation and Job Stratification,"
Sara De La Rica, October 2003.

63:  "Would the Elimination of Affirmative Action Affect Highly Qualified Minority Applicants? Evidence from California and Texas,"
David Card and Alan Krueger, October 2003.

62:  "The "Mincer Equation" Thirty Years After Schooling, Experience, and Earnings,"
Thomas Lemieux, October 2003.

61:  "Networks, Social Learning, and Technology Adoption: The Case of Deworming Drugs in Kenya,"
Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer, October 2003

60:  "Do Immigrants Benefit from an Increase in the Minimum Wage Rate? An Analysis by Immigrant Industry Concentration,"
Kalena Cortes, October 2003

59:  "The Effects of Age at Arrival and Enclave Schools on the Academic Performance of Immigrant Children,"
Kalena Cortes, October 2003

58:  "The Long-Term Impact of Military Service on Health: Evidence from World War II Veterans,"
Kelly Bedard and Olivier Deschênes, March 2003

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Working Papers - 2002

57:  "Do Unionized Registered Nurses Reduce AMI Mortality,"
Michael Ash and Jean Ann Seago, January 2002

56:  "Fairness and Freight-Handlers: A Test of Fair-Wage Theory in a Trucking Firm,"
Eric Verhoogen, Stephen V. Burks and Jeffrey P. Carpenter, September 2002

55:  "Assessing Counterfactuals when Treatment is Multivalued,"
Jochen Kluve, September 2002

54:  "Nonparametric Identification and Estimation of a Censored Regression Model with an Application to Unemployment Insurance Receipt,"
Songnian Chen, Gordon B. Dahl and Shakeeb Khan, September 2002

53:  "Does Low Birth Weight Matter? Evidence from the US Population of Twin Births,"
Douglas Almond, Kenneth Y. Chay and David S. Lee, September 2002

52:  "Rational responses to poorly designed policies: The case of subsidies to Open-End Contracts in Italy,"
Piero Cipollone and Anita Guelfi, June 2002

51:  "Trimming for Bounds on Treatment Effects with Missing Outcomes"
David S. Lee, March 2002

50:  "Are Politicians Accountable to Voters? Evidence from U.S. House Roll Call Voting Records,"
David S. Lee, Enrico Moretti and Matthew J. Butler, March 2002

49:  "The End of Mandatory Retirement in the US: Effects on Retirement and Implicit Contracts,"
Till von Wachter, March 2002

48:  "The Role of Information and Social Interactions in Retirement Plan Decisions: Evidence from a R andomized Experiment,"
Esther Duflo and Emmanuel Saez, March 2002

47:  "Estimating the Dynamic Treatment Effects of an Earnings Subsidy for Welfare-Leavers,"
David Card and Dean R. Hyslop, March 2002

46:  "Did Draft Avoidance Raise College Attendance During the Vietnam War?,"
David Card and Thomas Lemieux, February 2002

45:  "College Performance Predictions and the SAT,"
Jesse M. Rothstein, March 2002

44:  "The Rise in Disability Rolls and the Decline in Unemployment,"
David H. Autor and Mark G. Duggan, March 2002

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Working Papers - 2001

43:  "Civil Rights, the War on Poverty, and Black-White Convergence in Infant Mortality in Mississippi,"
Douglas V. Almond, Kenneth Y. Chay and Michael Greenstone, September 2001

42:  "Air Quality, Infant Mortality, and the Clean Air Act of 1970,"
Kenneth Y. Chay and Michael Greenstone, August 2001

41:  "Are Refugees Different from Economic Immigrants? Some Empirical Evidence on the Heterogeneity of Immigrant Groups in the United States,"
Kalena E. Cortes, September 2001

40:  "Worms: Education and Health Externalities in Kenya,"
Edward Miguel and Michael Kremer, July 2001

39:  "The Long-run Consequence from Living in a Poor Neighborhood,"
Philip Oreopoulos, September 2001

38:  "The Impact of Unionization on Establishment Closure: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Representation Elections"
John DiNardo and David S. Lee, September 2001

37:  "Tests With Correct Size When Instruments Can Be Arbitrarily Weak,"
Marcelo J. Moreira, September 2001

36:  "Using Discontinuous Eligibility Rules to Identify the Effects of the Federal Medicaid Expansions?,"
David Card and Lara D. Shore-Sheppard, September 2001

35:  "Do Electoral Cycles in Policy Hiring Really Help Us Estimate the Effect of Police on Crime?,"
Justin McCrary, September 2001

34:  "Earnings Mobility in the US: A New Look at Intergenerational Inequality,"
Bhashkar Mazumder, March 2001

33:  "Does Air Quality Matter? Evidence from the Housing Market,"
Kenneth Y. Chay and Michael Greenstone, April 2001

32:  "The Measurement of Medicaid Coverage in the SIPP: Evidence from California, 1990-1996,"
David Card, Andrew Hildreth and Lara Shore-Sheppard, February 2001

31:  "The Electoral Advantage to Incumbency and Voters" Valuation of Politicians' Experience: A Regression Discontinuity Analysis of Close Elections,"
David S. Lee, April 2001

30:  "Union Effects on Health Insurance Provision and Coverage in the United States,"
Thomas C. Buchmuller, John DiNardo and Robert G. Valletta, March 2001

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Working Papers - 2000

29:  "Ethnic Diversity and School Funding in Kenya,"
Edward Miguel, December 2000

28:  "Environmental Regulation and the Cost of Job Displacement,"
Andrew K. G. Hildreth, November 2000

27:  "Can Boosting Minority Car-Ownership Rates Narrow Inter-Racial Employment Gaps?,"
Steven Raphael and Michael Stoll, August 2000

26:  "The Evolution of Returns to Education in Italy, 1978-1992: Changing Institutions or Changing Supply and Demand?,"
Marco Manacorda, July 2000

25:  "How Did the Elimination of Mandatory Retirement Affect Faculty Retirement?,"
Orley Ashenfelter and David Card, July 2000

24:  "Understanding Changes in the Distribution of Household Incomes in New Zealand Between 1983-86 and 1995-98,"
Dean Hyslop and PCD, NZ Treasury, and Dave Maré, July 2000

23:  "The Covariance Structure of Intrafamily Earnings, Rising Inequality and Family Labor Supply,"
Dean Hyslop, March 2000

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Working Papers - 1999

22:  "Estimating the Social Return to Education: Evidence From Repeated Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Data,"
Enrico Moretti, October 1999

21:  "Workers' Education, Externalities and Technology Adoption: Evidence From Plant-Level Production Functions,"
Enrico Moretti, October 1999

20:  "Measuring Wage Growth Among Former Welfare Recipients,"
David Card, Charles Michalopoulos and Philip K. Robins, November 1999

19:  "A Non-Experimental Analysis of 'True' State Dependence in Monthly Welfare Participation Sequences,"
Kenneth Y. Chay, Hilary Hoynes, and Dean Hyslop, October 1999

18:  "The Heterogeneity and Cyclical Sensitivity of Unemployment: An Exploration of German Labor Market Flows,"
Christoph M. Schmidt, October 1999

17:  "The Impact of Air Pollution on Infant Mortality: Evidence from Geographic Variation in Pollution Shocks Induced by a Recession"
Kenneth Y. Chay and Michael Greenstone, October 1999

16:  "The Evolution of Earnings Inequality in Italy and the Escalator Clause,"
Marco Manacorda, April 1999

15:  "Testing for Structural Breaks in the Evaluation of Programs,"
Anne Morrison Piehl, Suzanne J. Cooper, David M. Kennedy, and Anthony A. Braga, April 1999

14:  "Demand Matters: School District Concentration, Composition, and Educational Expenditure,"
Miguel Urquiola, April 1999

13:  "Can Falling Supply Explain the Rising Return to College for Younger Men? A cohort-Based Analysis,"
Darren Lubotsky, April 6, 1999

12:  "The Labor Market Effects of Welfare Reform,"
Dean Hyslop, March 2000

11:  "Interpreting Movements in Aggregate Wages: The Role of Labor Market Participation,"
Richard Blundell, Howard Reed and Thomas Stoker, March 1999

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Working Papers - 1998

10:  "Econometric Issues in the Analysis of Linked Cross-section Employer-worker Surveys,"
Andrew Hildreth and Stephen Pudney, September 1998

9:  "Social Returns to Education and Human Capital Externalities: Evidence from Cities,"
Enrico Moretti, November 1998

8:  "Job Displacement and Mobility of Younger Workers,"
Cynthia K. Gustafson, November 16, 1998

7:  "Just Can't Get Enough: More on Skill-Biassed Change and Labour Market Performance,"
Marco Manacorda and Alan Manning, June 1998

6:  "The Wage Consequences of Enclave Residence: Evidence from the 1990 and 1980 Censuses,"
Michael Greenstone, November 1998

5:  "Identification and Estimation of Dynamic Binary Response Panel Data Models: Empirical Evidence Using Alternative Approaches,"
Kenneth Y. Chay and Dean Hyslop, October 1998

4:  "The Earned Income Tax Credit and the Labor Supply of Married Couples,"
Nada Eissa and Hilary Williamson Hoynes, June 1998

3:  "Technology and Changes in Skill Structure: Evidence from Seven OECD Countries,"
Stephen Machin and John Van Reenan, May 1998

2:  "The Causal Effect of Education on Earnings,"
David Card, May 1998

1:  "Strikes, Inventories, and Union Legislation,"
Melvyn G. Coles and Andrew K.G. Hildreth, May 26, 1998

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